钙离子之父 Father of Calcium Ion
王晖评 博士 Dr. Wang Hui Ping
鈣離子之父 王暉評博士出生於西元1945年,台灣南投縣人,不幸出生於"肝病世家",三十歲那年不僅得了嚴重的肝病又身患喉癌和皮膚病(紅斑狼瘡),為了尋求生機,四處尋訪名醫,無奈病痛依然,旦日漸惡化決定赴日本求醫,當時日本醫學比台灣進步,王先生有一位旅居日本的舅舅,送他一罐約一公斤的白色粉末,方知所謂的仙丹就是一種以鈣為主的礦物質離子化的粉末,古時之布丹,如今已硏究出高科技方法提煉鈣離子、活性化,溶於水。主原料都是一些天然的物質如珍珠、珊瑚、鐘乳石等。王先生為探求其奥秘而在日本埋頭鑽研,前後往返日本有六年之久,終於揭開了人體醫學之奧秘,重獲新生,創立中華離子醫學學說。如此經過多次的總結和無數的臨床實驗,方使這種新醫學得以誕生取名為中華離子醫學,並成立中華離子醫學研究學院。
The father of calcium ions Dr. Wang hui pingBorn in 1945, a native of Nantou County, Taiwan, unfortunately born in a "hepatic disease family" At the age of 30, not only had severe liver disease, but also laryngeal and skin cancer (lupus erythematosus) In order to seek vitality, I went to visit famous doctors, but I still have pains and are getting worse. Mr. Wang decided to go to Japan for medical treatment, when Japanese medicine improved than Taiwan. Mr. Wang has a donkey who lives in Japan and sends him a can of about one kilogram of white powder. It is known that the so-called elixir is a calcium-based mineral ionized powder. Budan in ancient times has now developed high-tech methods to extract calcium ions, activate, and dissolve in water. The main raw materials are some natural materials such as pearls, corals, stalactites etc. Mr. Wang has been studying in Japan to explore his mystery. He has been traveling to and from Japan for six years. Finally unveiled the mystery of human medicine, regained a new life, and founded. Chinese ion medicine theory. So many times of summing up and countless clinical experiments this new medicine was born. Named Chinese lon Medicine, and established the China Institute of lon Medical Research